Friday, September 20, 2013

Simple R Scatter Plo

plot(y~x,pch=19,col="blue",xlab="X axis",ylab="y axis",main="Scatter Plot Diagram")

Data Science

My technical Goals:
a) Learn Stats
b) Figure Out R
c) Learn Python
d) Figure out HBase / Hadoop
e) Learn the art of Visualization


I am sure with a bit of luck and effort i will get there.

Now In Focus : R Statistics
Expect more posts on Math :P

GitHub 2

I recently help some friends learn Git!!... here is the code to do stuff on GitHub...

// Installing Git on Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install git-core
//Git version
Git –version
//Add Colors to console
git config --global color.ui auto
// Status of Repo
git status
//Structure of Git
Tree .git
//See branches
Git branch -a
//See the origins
Git remote –v
//See the log
Git log
//See the recent changes
Git whatchanged
//Deleting Remote Origin
git remote rm origin

1st Creating Identity
//Global User Name
git config --global "Example Surname"
//Global Email
git config --global ""

2nd Creating A Repo
//Initialize Git
Git init
//Make Changes to repo
//Stage your Changes
Git add README
//Commit the Staging area
Git commit –m ‘my first commit’
//Creating a URL linking to your repo
//Pushing your commit
git push origin master
//Make changes in repo
//To see the difference between the master and local
git fetch origin
git diff master origin/master
(git merge origin/master)
//Pulling from Origin
git pull origin master

3rd Forking
//Fork 1st + Copy the address and use the url to clone
Git clone 
//Create a branch
Git branch
//Checkout to the branch
Git checkout
//Create changes to that branch
Gedit …..
//Maybe do a status
//ADD and Commit
//Push it to the
Git push –u origin
//Check it out to update the file system
Git checkout master

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Lately i have been experimenting with Git. Its a  whole new way to code. I was really impressed with their philosophy Social Coding. That means more sharing :).
My new git hub repo.

If you want to learn Git follow the links below.